Hey, you go to the dentist every once in a while right? So why’s it so important to brush your teeth? Well, it turns out that while no one will bother to explain it to you, brushing your teeth is a vital way in which we preserve both our teeth and gums. Ever since the early 20th-century brushing teeth has become the hip thing to do. But why exactly do we do it?
Plaque Brush-Away
Throughout the course of the day, plaque builds up on your teeth. Plaque is a combination of food and bacteria that stashes away inside of your mouth. Letting the plaque in your mouth amass may lead to gingivitis and gum disease. If you notice that your gums bleed when you brush you should schedule an appointment with your San Diego-Kearny Mesa orthodontist.
Maintain a Pearly-White Smile
We all want those Hollywood chops, but few of us are willing to be diligent enough teeth-brushers to accomplish our easily attainable dreams. Brushing our teeth means removing debris and stains that discolor our teeth. Brushing twice a day will drastically improve your odds of cultivating the white teeth you crave.
Reduces Chances of a Heart Attack
Who would’ve thought that brushing your teeth on a regular basis could decrease your odds of having a heart attack? The fact of the matter is that bacteria that takes refuge in your mouth eventually travels down and into your bloodstream, wreaking havoc on your cholesterol. This in turn increases your odds of having a heart attack.
Rid Yourself of Bad Breath
Bad breath is the leading cause of friend-loss. No one wants to talk to someone with bad breath. Luckily you can avoid being a pariah by brushing your teeth twice a day. Just remember to brush away the bacteria that can be found on your tongue.