A teeth retainer is a custom-made device that you can wear in your mouth that goes over your teeth. There are a few types of retainers that can be worn by both adults and children, and they contribute to straightening your teeth.
While many children get a retainer after braces, many adults choose to get a permanent retainer or clear retainers to help achieve a straight smile.
Even if braces help make your teeth straight, they can still shift due to everyday habits, such as grinding and chewing. All orthodontic retainer options are designed to prevent your teeth from shifting back into their original positions.

Invisible Retainer
An invisible retainer is designed with cosmetics in mind, and is one of the most modern types of teeth retainers recommended by orthodontists. It is a transparent, removable clear retainer that fits over the entire arch of teeth. Clear retainers are lightweight, somewhat flexible and very comfortable. They work well to keep teeth in position; however, may need to be replaced with wear.
Invisible retainers are made of clear and smooth BPA-free plastic, and are a great retainer option for both adults and older kids. An invisible retainer is meant to be worn full time and should be worn at least 22 hours a day, taking it out for eating, taking a drink of something other than water, and brushing your teeth.
These types of teeth retainers offer many benefits. They are easy to wear, comfortable, and discreet, making them a great option for adults or older children who do not want their retainer to be seen. Even though you cannot see an invisible teeth retainer, it still offers an equal effectiveness in straightening your teeth.
Based on your desires and what will work best for your teeth, The Super Dentists can recommend the right retainer for you.
Traditional Retainers
Once braces are removed and teeth look great, a teeth retainer must be worn routinely to keep teeth in their new positions.
Traditional orthodontic retainers consist of wires and plastic retainer pieces that help hold your teeth in place. The wires connect everything, forming the way that the retainers are anchored back to your teeth.
Many children and adults use traditional teeth retainers after getting their braces off, which helps keep your teeth in the right position so your results from the braces last. With long term use of a traditional teeth retainer, all of the hard work and effort you put into wearing braces is not lost. Traditional teeth retainers can also be worn to help close gaps in your teeth, or to help with speech difficulties.
To make sure your teeth don’t go back to their pre-treatment places, The Super Dentists encourage you to wear your teeth retainer as prescribed. If your retainer is misplaced, call the office immediately to get a replacement retainer.
After spending all the time and money to fix your teeth, it’s in your best interest to wear your retainer. To maintain your new perfect smile and the alignment of your teeth, The Super Dentists have a few teeth retainer options including: Hawley, Fixed and Invisible retainers.
Hawley Retainers
The Hawley retainer is the most commonly used today, especially in pediatric dentistry. It is a removable retainer and made of metal wires and sturdy acrylic. A Hawley retainer is customized for you by taking an impression of your teeth to provide a snug and comfortable fit.
Worn in the roof of the mouth, Hawley retainers are designed to maintain the width of the upper arch.
A Hawley retainer is easy to mold to your mouth, and can be adjusted overtime if necessary. The plate color can be custom selected to compliment your personal preferences. Additionally, these retainers are durable, making it difficult to damage.
These retainers are some of the most common retainers for kids, as they are easy to clean, removable, and there are no food restrictions. To eat or drink, you simply just remove the teeth retainer and put it back in when finished.
One advantage of using Hawley retainers is that The Super Dentists can adjust your retainer as needed. Another benefit is that the acrylic comes in fun colors and patterns for a personalized look.
Fixed/Permanent Retainers
One of the best ways to prevent your teeth from shifting is by having your retainer permanently attached. Fixed, or bonded lingual teeth retainers, are cemented directly to the inside surface of your upper and lower front six teeth.
When brushing, make sure to carefully clean behind your lower teeth as well as the wire. If you have a fixed retainer, you must also be careful with your bite, as the bonding material may break due to incorrect biting, which will cause teeth to shift.
Fixed/Permanent Retainers - The Super Dentists
Want to Schedule an appointment or have questions?
Book an appointment today with the Super Dentists to determine which teeth retainer is best for you!
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